How I started a Blog in 5 Days

My Blogging Journey – Part 1

Some people ask me why I decided to become a blogger. Or when I tell them what I am doing they just give me a strange look or call it my “hobby”. Mind you, I never refer to it as a hobby but as a business. It is a way to generate an income while pursuing my passion. It’s Ok for others to have their opinions but I made a decision that was best for me and my family. Just remember one thing, staying at a job that you’re familiar with yet is not satisfying anymore is the safe choice but is it the right choice to live a happy, fulfilling life? Plus you can always pursue your passion and still work a full-time job. Maybe someday that path toward your passion will replace that full-time or part-time job income. Wouldn’t that be amazing!

The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure.
If you always do what is easy and choose the path of least resistance, you never step outside your comfort zone. Great things don’t come from comfort zones.” ~Roy T. Bennett -The Light in the heart

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My story started in September 2018 when I was sitting on the beach with my husband celebrating our 25th Anniversary. We were in Riviera Maya, Mexico staying at a wonderful all-inclusive resort. I was telling my husband all the things I liked about the resort. Comparing it to the other two resorts we stayed at in the past. How the food was slightly better at the first resort we went to the previous year but that I liked the look and feel of this one better. The resort had a beach bar with snacks and waiters that brought you drinks on the beach. The pool had a swim-up bar which I loved! On and on I went.

My husband, always patient with my ramblings talked about other countries we could travel to in the Caribbean like the Dominican Republic, Aruba, the Bahamas, etc. He’s in the travel business so I felt the need to give him my opinion. I figured he could use this information when he’s selling a resort so he can mention the little things that made such a difference.

I turned to him and said, “you know, I could do this for a living.” Imagine getting paid to travel and write reviews so others can experience it too! I didn’t know how it would work or how I could do it. I just thought it was a dream job that I wanted!

Couples vacation in Riviera Maya (Cancun) Mexico
Here’s where it all started

I’m not a 20 something woman with no major responsibilities. In fact, at that time we were helping our daughter pay for her college education. We have 3 kids, a mortgage, a car payment, and many other bills just like everyone else. I make a good living at my day job and enjoy what I do but am I pursuing my passion? That is the million-dollar question!

Back to my journey of becoming a blogger… We came home from that trip and we jumped right back on the hamster wheel of life. Where one day is the same as the previous day and so on. Wake up, shower, work, come home, eat dinner, relax and go to bed over and over again, day in and day out. It’s comfortable, it’s routine, it’s our daily life but is it my life’s work or is there something more that could lead me to my passion?

A couple of months later I was scrolling through Facebook when I saw an ad for a Free 5 DAY START A BLOGGING BUSINESS CRASH COURSE.

I signed up but life got busy, as usual, and I didn’t follow through on it. Have you ever done that? Where something interests you and you KNOW it will benefit you immensely but then you don’t follow through. We all come up with many excuses but really for me, it comes down to letting everything else distract me. I always let things get in the way of doing something just for me. As women, I think we do that a lot. Everyone’s needs come before our own.

If not now, when will you pursue your dreams?

Fast track a few months later, I was checking my emails and noticed I had pinned for follow up that first email I received from Heather and Pete Reese at It’s a Lovely Life. It’s now March and for some reason, I noticed that email, it must have been a sign that I was ready to hear what they had to say! I started that valuable 5 Day Course and haven’t regretted it one bit!

On Day 1 of the training, I got to meet Heather and Pete through a video and their story really inspired me. Why not learn from someone who is already doing and is still doing it every day. If they can do it, so can I!

Each day I excitedly checked my Inbox for the next day’s course helping me to figure out this whole blogging thing one small step at a time. Now being a Libra I tend to really think decisions through weighing and balancing each decision but this time it was different. I was ready for this! My decision was made! I was going to become a blogger!

I started out wanting to have a Travel and Lifestyle Blog but knew I had so much more to offer with my experience in leadership and personal development. This was truly my area of expertise. But for now, I had found my niche. Now it was time to come up with a name for my blog. I did a lot of brainstorming and made a list of possible names. I’m big on writing lists. I learned that from my mom who had a list for everything. I think it helped her stay organized while raising 3 kids and running a household. I always handwrite my list especially when I am brainstorming. I feel writing with a pen and paper really helps me be more creative when making a decision or writing a blog post. I asked my husband, children, and closest friends what they thought of my choices but, in the end, I ultimately decided on We Travel Through Life Together for my domain name. I felt this name could encompass travel, lifestyle and personal development.

I started to learn what this blogging thing was all about and knew I could do it. With the step by step process, I was able to set up my website with my new domain. I found a theme that I loved and continued through the training on how to set up my site and post my content. It was challenging at times but with the help of the additional training, I was able to learn it quickly. Wow! I actually had my own website! And it didn’t take months or years to make it happen! I had it started in days!

If you are interested in starting your own blog, I highly recommend this 5 Day Course as well as the Blogging Blastoff Course which I will talk about in a future Blogging Journey Post.

If you are interested in hearing more about my Blogging Journey subscribe to our email list below so you will be notified when the next installment is out.

Let’s travel through life together!


Advanced Blogging Money Making Course

10 thoughts on “How I started a Blog in 5 Days”

  1. Melody Smith says:

    Very inspiring! I love the Roy T. Bennett quote! You can’t grow until you get a little uncomfortable.

    1. Pam says:

      Melody, thank you! Without risk, there is no growth. 🙂

  2. Always be uncomfortable. I will always be learning this. Great post! Keep going!

    1. Pam says:

      Doug~ So true, if you aren’t uncomfortable you’re not growing!

  3. Francisca says:

    Heather and Pete are true blogging gems. I’m glad they inspired you to start your own blog too. Great write up.

    1. Pam says:

      Francisca~ They really are blogging gems. I had the opportunity to meet them in January and they are even more inspiring in person! Keep blogging!

  4. Pam c says:

    Love this. I kinda came stumbling along with this also. I love to write but tech savvy i am not so it will take me awhile. this inspired me to keep navigating this journey. Still in the very beginning of my blog though.

    1. Pam says:

      Pam, I’m so glad I was able to inspire you. Follow your journey, don’t hesitate to ask for help/support along the way and most importantly keep writing!

  5. Linda White says:

    I love this. This is why I started my blog as an addition to my travel business. But you’re right life gets busy or throws you a curve ball. My husband was recently diagnosed with cancer and I’m trying to get back to my blog and make money with it as I have to be home with him.

    1. Pam says:

      Linda~ I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Sending positive thoughts your way. May you have much success with your blog and achieve your financial goals.

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